Wednesday, October 9, 2019

7 years - Ankleversary!

Tuesday - September 24, 2019

 It's my 7 years Ankleversary!!!

I am about 2 weeks late on this post! I can't believe it's been so many years since I've had my surgery.

I am feeling great! Still the occasional weather changes and random arthritis, sometimes cramping, and the continued tiredness after too long of a walk. My range in motion is great! No more braces needed.

Must get good supporting shoes and I can wear heels! I've also been buying better athletic shoes with cushioned support and cute sandals that also have more cushioned support. Still sticking to the 2-inch heels to feel safe but at least I can wear heels. Also to be able to walk without discomfort.

As for exercise, I've been doing a lot of steps at Lyon Street Steps and Tiled Steps, more walking, and hiking. Lately just more steps. I still haven't run, just too much impact from what I last remembered.

Winter is coming and I always look forward to going up north to play in the snow! However, my sports have changed since I can't snowboard anymore since wearing boots irritate my ankle. I now go snowmobiling. Buying snow and water boots was also a challenge. I had to find shoes that didn't lay on the ankle. It had to fit under the metal and ankle parts to feel comfortable. Got myself a few pairs already and waiting to wear them.

I'll update again in a few months when I get up there to play in snow!