Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 164 - My scar is itchy!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - Week 59

It's been a few weeks! I am feeling better as each day passes! I definitely feel stronger and more balanced. I still do some of the ankle exercises everyday. After a long day of walking, I do get tired faster and sometimes need to sit and stretch for some rest. It feels like I can still improve. Most importantly, I'm in no pain and not limping! By now, I'm use to the stretched skin from the metal inside. It's like I forget it's even in there. I can't feel it! However, I walk with caution anywhere I go. I notice I am more aware of what is in front of every step. 

Today, my scar is itchy! At the very bottom of my scar end, there's a tiny lump of the skin from the scar you can't see protruding out. That lump is so itchy! It's a bit red from me scratching just below it. I thought it was a mosquito bite at first but when I looked at what I was scratching, it was actually my scar haha.

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