Wednesday, March 30, 2016

3 years 6 months - I haven't walked to work in over 10 years!

Wednesday - March 30, 2016

It's been over 10 years since I last walked to work. It was a great first walk. I was actually tired, ankle was a bit tired too after the walk back. Sweating bullets too, speedwalking is a workout. I definitely need to wear my sneakers. I walked with sandals the other day, that was a bad idea. 

At least I get to burn some calories. I'll continue to walk as long as it doesn't rain! As I continue to walk to work, my ankle was getting less tired. Great exercise for the ankle indeed!

1 comment:

  1. I think you must try the chiropractic for your ankle treatment. I am sure it would work. I visited a local chiropractor in Mississauga Ontario for my uncle’s ankle pain and he got immense relief within couple of days.
